Vote in the SYC contest! Thanks (: ~Quoby

Friday, July 23, 2010

Challenge #3 - TRIVIA!

Hey players! This is going to be team Life's FAVORITE challenge. Trivia. It's going to be very hard! The questions are medium/hard questions. (For those of you who know my dad, he has made the questions.)
Well, here is the day and time:

DAY: July 25, 2010

TIME: 3:00 (EST)

- When you answer questions, say BUZZ! and I will call the first person to say BUZZ. - Some people may have to sit out, DEPENDING on how many people show up - So, Please, SHOW UP! Only one person from team death showed up last challenge, and no, not everyone from team Life showed up, either.



Team Life: Phlobee, Laciechristi, Angie34, Andre/Ty Waddles, Wookiefoof/Pirplepuff and Lewis/Blooper5


Team Death: Bumble/Gabriella737, Laura/11Laura110, Penny Mickey, K0wal Ski,Xx Kellie xX, Checkers4562, Reesie18, and Ginger.


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